Thursday, January 14, 2010

One More Day

It wasn't as hard to get out of bed this morning as I thought it was going to be. I was tired, of course, but I've been going at it rather well all day. I haven't been drearily tired until just about now... :)

It was my coworker Nicole's birthday today... we went out to Coho's again, and I had the same as Tavia... a halibut sandwich with grilled onions and tomatoes and yummy sauce! and I had a salad instead of fries and a cup of my very favorite seafood bisque. Sigh. So good.

On the way back to work we were talking about our experiences with road rage... Nicole's boyfriend has had trouble getting to anxious about bad drivers in the past (once when I rode with him and Nicole over to Seattle after work for band in 2007) and she recalled that after he had yelled rather colorful language at someone who had cut him off, I commented that the other driver was indeed something of "a diddle-head". We all had a grand laugh... I had forgotten that had happened... lol.

Gosh, after work and a bite to eat, Mom had to go pick up Meg from her teaching job in Auburn (45 minutes away) because she can't drive with the new meds she has to take for her ear infection, so I volunteered to go along with her. This allowed us to bypass tons of traffic in Bellevue and Renton, so I'm glad I did. It ended up taking us two whole hours to pick everyone up and get home again. What an evening! And I did enjoy talking with Mom all alone on the way down... very nice indeed.

I think it's time for bed pretty soon!

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