Friday, October 11, 2013

A Few Things

With all the duty I've been standing, it's no wonder I barely have anything to talk about.

Wednesday, October 2, I managed to do something out of the ordinary, though... Cinemark in Chesapeake played Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo, and I made it in time for the last showing. Disappointed I missed To Kill a Mockingbird, a couple weeks beforehand; but seeing Jimmy Stewart larger than life was thrilling anyway. Someone in the audience gasped when the murder was done... I was on edge, myself, even though I've seen it a few times (first time as an adult, though - goodness, did I ever pay attention to details as a kid? A lot of it seemed new).

I baked a pumpkin pie last week, and only finished eating it tonight! I've been really lazy about dishes and laundry, but I forced myself to take care of both those things yesterday after a couple-hour nap when I got home from the ship.

I haven't ate out very much at all... I'm so wiped out when I get home, I usually have something quick, like soup and sandwiches. But Tuesday this week, I did go out to Franco's By the Bay for some delicious spaghetti... and I got a half order even then. After dinner, I went on to deposit a recent check from my Dad, then decided to go to Pembroke Mall just to poke around. I tried out Bed, Bath & Beyond for the first time... and I found lots of neat things... a few for deployment and a few for the house.

I've been playing my horn and cello... and today, while stuck in traffic on Tidewater after picking up a couple things at the store after work, I killed time (it took an hour and a half to get home from Walmart) by listening to and watching YouTube videos of The Piano Guys... which is all cello, all the time! Made me not go crazy! I started with their Lord of the Rings video, and that was probably because it was in my mind... I rented the second and third movies from the library the other day and watched them together... the way I've always wanted too... without any of the long, drawn-out, annoying, and dull scenes with Frodo, Sam and Gollum. It went a lot faster, was more congruous and enjoyable.

(On different occasions) I also watched Spencer's Mountain (1963, Henry Fonda), Letters From Iwo Jima (2006, Clint Eastwood)... the battle from the Japanese perspective... which was very interesting. And tonight I finished Road to Rio (1947), the last Road picture that I've seen. Lately on Netflix, I watched Merrill's Marauders (1962, Jeff Chandler), A Bit of Fry and Laurie (from the 80's), and more of Stephen Fry in America (2008), which is very fun and interesting... and another viewing of the highlights from Jane Eyre (1983, Timothy Dalton) because I love it so very much. It's so faithful to the book... shockingly good for 1980s TV. Of course, it is BBC.

Also tonight, I started a puzzle upstairs... so I have lots of choices of things to do around the house.


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