Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Just Briefly

I was awfully disappointed this afternoon to get back so late from work... didn't pull up to the house until 5:30! It wasn't that I was stressed, in fact I was irrationally calm for just sitting through a big backup on the freeway (listening to loon and other nature sounds accompanied by music). But hey! this was my time that the Navy was eating into. And I was freezing cold with the weather the way it was (and is) outside.

So I put off going swimming yet again to rest and enjoy a quiet evening at home away from the traffic and the terrific wind. I still hear it blowing against the house, and that is rather nice when bundled up in a sweatshirt and coat, eating hot Lipton's chicken noodle soup and sipping piping hot coffee.

I watched a film my darling Michael put on my computer before he left this last time... a rather odd love story involving time travel (Berkeley Square, 1933, with Leslie Howard). After this, I was looking at my saved bookmarks on my Internet browser and clicked on my darling's church website. Ended up watching the last week's service that he told me about: an unscripted conversation with the pastor and his wife about their marriage. It was really excellent and refreshing to hear. In case you're interested, it's on YouTube.


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