Sunday, March 3, 2013

Another Good Rest

...from the Navy. I kept pretty busy for resting, actually.

Friday afternoon I did lots... went for a short run around the housing complex, then got on my bike for the first time in Virginia, and rode the back way to the base and back in 15 minutes. Then a super-nice shower, and right afterwards, tried out the Italian restaurant Franco's in Ocean View. Then did all my laundry (a big load, indeed) across the street. Called Mike while everything was drying, and managed to get home by nine. Tried to watch Pride and Prejudice (1940), but had to stop after a half-hour or so... way too sleepy. My eyes were watering looking at the brightness, and my nose was runny from all that cold wind I got. Called Mike again from my mattress and soon I was out like a light.

Saturday, I woke up three times in the morning, but managed to stay in til 9. Went to Farm Fresh (grocery) to pick out the day's meals, then returned to make the first. Finished the remaining hour of P&P (and thought it very good, despite it's awful costumes). I caught up telling the recent story of the Navy on my Times, and fixed a few things over the phone and online. Found an archery range just 20 minutes away in Newport News... but first I made a fantastic sandwich (wheat, mayo, mustard, turkey, cheddar, avocado, sprouts, tomato, onion) for lunch before heading off on that adventure. It was a lot of fun to shoot again! I'm going to have to go there again soon! The range is in a building across the street from the store (which sells arrows, guns, knives, and fishing gear). I checked out a few model 1911s, but that would be a huge extravagance at $800. Better to rent at a range if one gets a desire to shoot. Walmart was just a few blocks away too... I've been thinking for a long time about getting a little table for the kitchen area to expand my usable space, and along with another $15 wood shelving kit, I found a descent, generic, black and silver table that fit just about the size required. When I got home, I watched one of the $5 movies I picked up at the register... The Italian Job with Mark Wahlberg. Then I built the shelves (without the directions, as this is my 3rd one) and got on chat (for the first time in a while!). And that was very fun indeed!

Today, I went straight to church in VB, hoping to run into my friend (didn't see her). And although the sermon started slow, it finished really well. Had some Chipotle after that (but had to kill a half-hour until it opened, so I poked around in ToysR'Us next door until it did; and I managed not to buy the really neat $30 FAO Schwartz 18" elephant I saw there. :) Went to the Virginia Aquarium just after lunch, and enjoyed it again. The baby turtles were bigger, the crocodile's tooth problem was no longer apparent, and the komodo dragon was actively walking around, affording many picture opportunities; with the Atlantic octopus and the lion fish as well... I really love this aquarium. I managed to find their other building down the street this time, and loved the river otters and the little owl in their aviary. Went down to the beach after that to a museum on the waterfront. Turned out to be a waterfowl museum... duck decoys and such. But even so, it was neat to look at. I've found my way back home now, built the table, watched the other $5 Walmart movie (The Last of the Mohicans, 1992) as I reprised my wonderful sandwich from yesterday (minus the sprouts) for dinner. 


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