Saturday, May 19, 2012

Made It to the Weekend

Wednesday I only had a couple hours at home, due to Duty. I had brought dinner home from Jersey Mike's and watched a biography on T.E. Lawrence (of Arabia). I remembered seeing the Peter O'Toole film a long time ago, but documentaries are so much easier to follow and are much more wide-ranging. So I re-learned a bit of Middle Eastern history and enjoyed it very much. Decided to watch it that day because it was due that night. I did a little bit of shelving, and then stopped by the community room just outside to listen to the rest of the Peninsula Singers concert. They were singing American folk songs... I especially loved their slow, soft rendition of Dixie. Very meaningful and sad for me after watching the Civil War series.

Thursday I got home late due to the GMT, but I had time between that and class to go to Panera for a quick lunch. I worked at the library again, but this time just to kill time before heading out to Clairemont for a forty-foot film... Some Like it Hot (1959). Never had seen the film before, so it was a lot of fun. Laughed my head off a few times. Loved how it was filmed in San Diego at the Del Hotel on Coronado. I stuck to my guns and only got a small popcorn since I had a bowl of noodles, chips & guac, and a scoop of ice cream beforehand.

Yesterday, Friday, I slept for a solid 4 hours after coming home from my final test. Watched an episode of Foyle's War, then had a nice dinner at Sammy's Pizza, then drove up to Sunset Cliffs Blvd to watch the ocean for a while. I needed some rest, and since it was cloudy, it wasn't too crowded. On my way back home I finished listening to the final disc of Watership Down, an epic saga about bunnies. Had always been interested in it, but never could keep going in such a long book. Very glad for audio versions!

Today after eating breakfast at home (and fighting another battle with ants in the kitchen) I intended to go to the library for just a minute, to turn in and pick up, but when I got there, they were in the middle of a crisis... lol. One of the clerks asked me if I wanted anything from the coffee shop across the street, I was helping her so much. Worked for a long time on the holds, then on a couple of carts that needed sorting, then I re-shelved a cartload of audio downstairs and put the disheveled movies back together again. The general public can sometimes behave like a tornado... at least in the media room. Turned out I stayed for 4 hours! I chuckled to myself that although I had wanted to go straight to the zoo, I ended up working in one!

I decided to go to the zoo afterwords anyway. It was about 2:30ish that I got there, and I stayed till 5. Saw lots of baby ducks, had a chili dog, saw a very active grizzly bear and a feeding panda (and a romping panda), then continued on to see the lions, capybara, tapir, lamas and elephants. I saw a gorilla from the gondola... :) my feet were so tired there was no way I was going to walk all the way back. Good thing the $45 entrance fee was free for me... I bought a panda t-shirt, a model okapi, and a very cute, cuddle-able red panda stuffed animal.

On the plate tonight: mac'n cheese and asparagus at home! And chat too! I think I'll give my friend Julie a call too!


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