Sunday, March 11, 2012


Friday I must have taken a nap when I got home, but I did volunteer at the library for a bit. That evening, though, there was the last play of my subscription at the Old Globe: "A Room With a View". Got there rather early, so I did a big bunch of reading in Maisie Dobbs, which I'm thoroughly enjoying. Had a cup of hot chocolate too. Mmm. I thought the play was a bit overdone... a pair of ushers who took the empty seats next to me talked about how it was a little shocking to see this serious play in musical format... and I agree. I really liked the supporting actors, but I really couldn't stand one of the main characters very much at all. He looked and acted like he was a 1960's revolutionary, while in fact, it was Italy and England in 1908. But, enough about that.

Had leftover hash for breakfast on Saturday, along with scrambled eggs and juice. Went to the library again, and when I walked in the back room, the Director of the San Diego Public Libraries was with Christine... and I was introduced, got to shake her hand, and was thanked by her. :) Wow! I merely re-shelved the audiobooks, VHS and over-sized DVD like normal, until closing at 2:30.

After a long while of goofing around in my room, I again had an evening out: a ticket to see "The Mark of Zorro" (1920, Fairbanks) at Symphony Hall, accompanied by the same Russ Peck on the pipe organ that played at "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" last year. I got two little $1 bags of popcorn for the epic masterpiece... I loved the film so much! It was fantastic, especially the stunts! There were lots of things in it that reminded me directly of the Disney version I'm so used to. The audience was encouraged to make noise in response to who was on screen, and boy did people get into it. It was a packed house, as this was the only performance. There was lots of laughter too... especially loved it when the woman Don Diego was supposed to woo left from a first meeting with him and told her mother "That man is a fish!" LOL! Fairbanks really played up the difference in his dual roles.

I was so elated at the end I figured I didn't want to just go home. So I took the opportunity to drive out to the beach on Coronado to see if I could find any of the spawning grunions, as was brought to my attention by a reader of my blogs. And I did see a couple! Which was amazing, given it was the first hour of the first weekend. I think I'll do it again (planned like) during the observation-only months.

Sunday I was slightly late to church again. The sermon was good (about Paul and Ananias in Acts 9), and although I was horribly tired (I stayed up way too late, falling asleep with Maisie Dobbs until I was practically finished). There were hot dogs and mac n' cheese afterwords, and then I went right home for a long nap. Watched "The Benny Goodman Story" when I woke up, and when it was over it was time to go to small group already! It threw me for a loop because it was still light out... and I've never gone to small group when it was light out! Goodness! I could see the street signs! We had a lovely meeting... just the five of us (and 3 yr old Titus) like normal. Finished up the second to last section in "The Naked Gospel" and I enjoyed it very much... especially that talk about how we don't need to "put God first" in our lives. As if we could rank Him on a list... He is the list; He makes up a Christian's entire life. This thought was very freeing to me... very good to hear.

So, all in all I would call it an outstanding weekend. Thank the Lord!


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