Friday, March 16, 2012

Another Week Gone By

Readers, you must be tired of my titles by now... Maybe I will think of a good one again someday, but this is again, another synopsis of a week flown by.

Monday the 12th: had leftovers for dinner... and took a long nap, not necessarily in that order. :)

Tuesday was much more interesting, but because it was my duty day, I didn't like the first half much at all. But I quickly recovered, having a good long conversation with Mom & Dad, and then with Julie, for the first time in a while. So good to catch up. I watched Mona Lisa Smile (2003, Julia Roberts) from the library... and liked it alright. And as another first for a while (since February 15), I spent a good amount of time in my German lessons... and got very mixed up about the articles (Das, Die, Der) and which one went with what. It's hard to figure that out from the pictures Rosetta Stone uses. For dinner I had some wonderful shrimp enchiladas at Tio Carlos, admired Jupiter and Venus, and continued to enjoy the Gaudy Night (Lord Peter Wimsey) audiobook that I picked up at the library a long while ago. Comedic romances (especially with a flair of danger) are very much up my alley at the moment. Because I wasn't in the mood for a heavy drama, I passed on seeing Citizen Kane downtown.

Wednesday the 14th: after a wonderful day in school, I volunteered at the library (and good thing too, since they were missing people) checking in books that had been sent back to us, and re-shelving the new books and the audio. Stopped at Chipotle for linner, then continued on from there to Balboa Park in order to shoot some more archery. The valley the range overlooks was bright in the afternoon sun... the trees were bright green and the tall grass was waving in the wind like the prairie's waves of grain... and I ended up singing America while walking back and forth from the target. What a gorgeous afternoon! I spoke to the Lord about it. :) After 45 minutes of shooting, I busted one of my five good arrows... so when I left soon after that, I decided to go up north near Miramar to Performance Archery in order to refletch my four old arrows (with brittle and broken feathers) and buy a half-dozen more. Also picked up a new shooting glove and an Allen wrench. It was quite a shop... they had over 40 dead and stuffed game animals mounted on the walls... including moose, elk, deer, boars, and bears (and even a huge, standing Grizzly). Gosh. I'll have to go back in a week or two to pick my order up. And for more orders, back home I got online and ordered the next Maisie Dobbs book and a couple films from the library.

Yesterday, the 15th, got back late from the base because of another open Captian's Mast for our GMT. This meant that if I wanted to eat lunch, I had to do it at the galley. I did enjoy it though... the salad and fajitas were good since I hadn't had them in a very long time. I was so wiped out by the time I got home, I lay down for a brief nap... and it ended up being 3.5 hours long. Woke in time to eat something quick and head to the Reading Cinema up north in Clairemont for a showing of Top Hat (1935) for my enjoyment. Gosh, was it fun!

Today (it's Friday!) I'm taking easy before I report to the library for an afternoon's volunteering. One of the librarians asked me on my way out on Wednesday if I would cover the kid's video game time in the community room today, since the regular guy is busy. This is my first scheduling! He asked me because I've done it once before for him. The kids don't need much help, so I'll just bring Starship Troopers for a good uninterrupted reading time.


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