Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Mon & Tues

Surprisingly, I wasn't all that tired on Monday afternoon. I watched the 3-hour BBC miniseries David Copperfield from the library immediately after getting done with lunch (leftover salmon!). I was still in uniform, actually. I called Grampa & Gramma for a chat, and then that evening, after getting back from dinner at a Mexican place in Old Town, the birthday card they had sent was sitting on the counter for me. It was my first time to the restaurant... it's tucked in a corner of the park, right across from the transit station. Lots of little shops in there as well. I bought a little Schleich model horned lizard and a tiny soap stone statue eagle from Peru... they were $3 each. Started reading another Jeeves story from the anthology Meg gave me.

It was Tuesday when I crashed. Stopped at the NEX and Trader Joe's for groceries (had to fill up the gas tank too), I made myself a nice sausage & cheese sandwich for lunch at home. After a bit of computering, I felt so tired. Ended up taking a solid four-hour nap to catch myself up. Then I returned a couple things to the library, volunteered an hour, picked up bread at the NEX on the way back (don't you hate it when you don't think of everything when you're somewhere the first time?), admired the wonderful view of the crescent moon, Venus and Jupiter shining brightly, all together. For dinner, I tried a new frozen dinner that turned out being very good: noodles, chicken, green beans, grape tomatoes, all in a chicken broth type sauce.


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