Thursday, September 1, 2011

In the Tempest

click the photo to see the Globe's website, where I got it from (there are others)

It was a last minute idea to go see the last of the Shakespeare plays at the Old Globe... it was vivid... fun and interesting to watch. The last time I had seen it was at Juanita High School... and I don't remember understanding it back then. There were a bunch of elementary age school kids that sat in front of me in my section. I can't imagine how much they understood... but they seemed to enjoy themselves. And it was good, as one grey-haired gentleman behind me said, to see younger people there.

I loved how they used a giant blue sheet to become the ocean, and when raised up on cables, the sail of the ship that crashes. Before it started and during intermission they played sounds of the surf over the speakers. Lovely little touches, really.


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