Thursday, December 2, 2010

Wild Day

So the Christmas leave request got a bit messed up. When I was at the first building here, they didn't bother telling me that starting your leave on Monday morning was illegal. :)

Basically, you're supposed to take the Saturday & Sunday off as well... or either start your leave Monday night. They don't want you to have weekend liberty along with your leave. So I had the option of hanging around in Chicago on my own for the three days, or changing my flight and having more days at home. Of course, I did the latter. :) There was no penalty for changing because I booked it with the travel agents here and it was classified as a military ticket. It did cost a bit more, but that wasn't the end of the world because the first ticket was pretty inexpensive. So! Friday night, Saturday and Sunday with my folks as well! :) And because I had planned in the beginning to not take the extra days they allowed me, I had just enough to take these days and still stay as long as I planned after Christmas. Whew! What a headache! ...with a good result.

So I had to rearrange the shuttle passes and fill out a new leave chit. More fun and games with paperwork!


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