Friday, July 16, 2010


It's all coming down to tomorrow. Did last bits of cleaning this morning and around 11 or so, my grandparents and aunt came over (they traveled all the way from NC yesterday)! It was great fun seeing them again. We showed my aunt all over the house (she'd only been to our old house in Redmond last time she was here) and we talked and watched the slideshow. Had a big spread of sandwiches for lunch (along with some blueberries from my aunt's house!) and then we had to go set up the reception hall.

Took a couple hours to complete, but it looks fabulous! I was able to hang out with both of my aunts for quite a while today and that was really nice. I'm more and more worried about the pictures for tomorrow though. The light is kinda low over the aisle... and that means that I'll have to resort to using flash when people are walking so everything isn't super blurry like the people-moving pics I took during the rehearsal. Right now I feel like screaming or crying... but I'm too tired (maybe it's *because* I'm tired). And I suppose by the end of tomorrow, everything will be just fine. Gosh, I sure hope so.

Helped Mom make the tea sandwiches tonight after we got home from the rehearsal dinner. Cucumber and cream cheese for a few and then mostly egg salad. And I've just been reading in the camera manual, trying to figure out how to do the impossible :)

I have to be a general tomorrow, setting up the pictures in the park and getting it done on time. And creative too. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...


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