Thursday, July 15, 2010

Horsies & Things

Woke up about 9. Today so felt like a Saturday! I suppose that's partly because my Dad's taking this week off work as well. We played a backgammon series... and I won :) The slide-show for the wedding arrived today, so we all sat around the computer and enjoyed it (lots of cute pics of the two of them growing up). At 11, Meg and one of her bridesmaids (who flew in last night) and I drove out to our friends house in Carnation. I drove separately, because I knew they'd be staying much longer than I wanted (they're still not home now). So on the way I stopped at Panera Bread in Redmond. Classic salad and a turkey sandwich with an apple side. It was a quick stop; I got to our friend's house just 10 minutes after them. I mostly just did horses outside, but they did things like work on flowers and hair inside (wedding stuff). Roo was a darling! He let me pick all of his hooves without a fight. Sure, he tried to pull back on the problem one, but I've learned to put my knee in front of his leg so he can't wiggle out of it. Picking his hooves has helped my self-confidence, I think, muscling around someone *much* bigger than myself. :) lol

I didn't stay too long, just enough time to brush & pick both of them, saddle and ride Roo for a few rounds in the pasture and then let them both eat the tall grass outside the pasture for 20 minutes or so. They're so funny when you let them out! They never go more than 15 feet away from the gate because all they care about is the grass, so they don't even need lead ropes! :)

When I got home, we decided to watch "The Inspector General" (Danny Kaye) from Netflix. So goofy! But it was classic. Loved the ending. Mom and I had a bit of leftovers for dinner, and then I helped her make the egg salad for sandwiches at the wedding. I think it was 3 dozen eggs... that was a lot! Didn't have much cleaning to do today, since Dad volunteered to vacuum the upstairs (I did the stairs themselves last night). So all I did was sweep the kitchen after Mom gave me a haircut. It's been just over a month since the last one and it had grown out at least an inch. So much nicer.

It was just about 9pm, so I decided to run around the block across the street until I wanted to quit. Kept on telling myself "one more lap" until I did 1.5 miles. No idea about the time, but I tried to sprint the corners. After 3 tall glasses of water I went back outside and sat on our front steps... my favorite place on clear nights for thinking and praying and (quietly) singing. Then a long shower. And now it's time for bed.


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