Monday, May 17, 2010

Plodding Along

Sunday I was determined to have a day of rest... and I generally did. Of course, I added a few bits more to my PLAN, but that didn't take very long. I slept in til a good, late time of ten-thirty. Meg had grading to do, so we sat around and watched movies together. Familiar ones, so she didn't have to concentrate on them. We watched Sleeping Beauty and Emma, and later half of the Court Jester, which we finished tonight. Later that afternoon when my parents got back, Jason's parents came over for dinner and we had a great time. We talked a lot about future travels... they're going to NYC as well, later this year.

I felt rather distracted at work, thinking about the near future. After dinner, the Fun Couple came home and we played Skip-Bo and watched the before-mentioned Jester. I wanted to do some sort of exercise as well, since yesterday I didn't. The dog pleaded (whined loudly) for a walk, so we did that *first*. I then contented myself with a few push-ups and a half-mile run.

I'm tired! And it's Monday. But I realized that I only have about six weeks of actual work left... how short my time is!


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