Friday, May 7, 2010

Nothin's Comin' to Mind...

Well, at least it's better than "Untitled".

How was my Thursday and Friday, you ask? Clunk. (head hits table)

I've been rather tired. Got up in the morning just fine, both days. I think it was work that wore me out. Well, that and the Navy meeting on Wednesday, followed by a long date with the dishes (whew! that was a pile! ...and a good dinner!) and a beautiful talk with Mike into Thursday morning. No, it really was work that did the wearing... I spent 6 straight hours releasing 40 documents... and then today I spent 5 more hours releasing 9 and entering a dozen part numbers. The person we hired to take over that part of the job has been very sick all week. Thankfully, I didn't have much else to do for my QDC job, and I got to feel like a hero for getting it all done right away. My boss really does let you know when she appreciates you.

And we've had such beautiful weather! I really wanted to go exercise Thursday evening, but I was a little late getting off work and I turned the wrong way when getting on Willows Rd., so I bagged Jazzercise and went home for dinner with the family. After that I thought I'd lie down for a moment and then do something, but I promptly fell asleep and then woke up and went to bed. Oh, well. Another day, another burst of energy.

Today was my parent's 33'rd anniversary! To celebrate, we went to the Olive Garden for a fabulous dinner and then went to Redmond and saw "Babies", which was a cute film showing the similarities between little folk in four different places at the same time: Tokyo, Mongolia, Namibia and San Francisco. And yes, the parents from SF acted like they were from Mars. So in truth, the galaxy was well represented. Back at home tonight I got on Facebook for the first time in a while and noticed my good friend in Florida was on so I gave her a call and we talked for a half-hour. So nice! And then we all enjoyed some strawberry shortcake as we watched a rather dull Audie Murphy western from Netflix [The Cimarron Kid - 1952]. The storyline was ridiculous, but at least the setting was nice: it was Oklahoma. Hmm, they pronounced Chickasaw "chick-shaw" instead of "chick-a-shey"; silly folks.


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