Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Little Time to Myself

Friday, almost all day I worked on a new project... to be unveiled later... and while continuing to work on it, we watched a bit of the Olympic Opening Ceremony, and then a WWII propaganda movie (Confessions of a Nazi Spy) and then the actual torch lighting ceremony after the movie was over... it was a long ceremony, as always. :) I stayed up until about 3 am, doing more on my project, so I slept in rather late in the morning. I was still so tired, that when I woke up, I felt that it was night-time again.

My plan for the day was to go ride my horse, pay for this month and next month's upkeep and listen to over an hour of the Bible on the beautiful drive there (it's beautiful even when it's dull gray and rainy out - in it's own way). I had a short breakfast, wasted some time online, and then headed out. Unfortunately, Roo had thrown his front left shoe, and part of the hoof wall was broken, since it was so long. So riding was out. But I thoroughly enjoyed just going up there, picking their feet and watching them. Even if I had been able to ride, I would have been confined to the paddock and the driveway since I was alone. And it was rainy and mucky... so it wasn't a catastrophe. On the way back home through Redmond, I stopped at Panera Bread for the veggie sandwich, stopped at Hobby Town USA to look at the models (and decided against three or four of them :), and stopped for a couple hours at Half Price Books. I spent a bunch of time looking at photography books, and I almost felt like I was back in class. They had a couple of really neat books there from photographers from the 1930's... It was a great time.

When I got back I was so inspired I took my tripod out and took a couple pictures outside, even though it was very dark. Oh, photography! So fun! Time got a bit away from me, so I got onto chat a bit late. When I turned on the TV to watch Das Boot, the Olympics were on and I got to see a speed-skating heat with Apollo Ohno, from Seattle. And he was impressive, flying by everyone on the outside right at the end, finishing a half-lap ahead.


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