Saturday, October 24, 2009


This is Seaman Recruit Payne reporting... for the first time.

My height was off one inch, so I was under the maximum limit by the three pounds I lost this week. How glad I am that today is over!

Yesterday at the hotel I had lots of time to myself. They said I'd have a roommate, but she never showed up. I read a lot and watched odd things on TV, like the Arts channel. It was pleasant to close my eyes listening to a European orchestra, and just rest on the double bed. I finished my quick read through the Gospel of John and the letter of Ephesians and started Bridge to Terabithia. For dinner, Uncle Sam treated me to the hotel restaurant, where I feasted on tender, grilled chicken with rice and veggies and a small cup of delicious clam chowder. As I walked to dinner, I paused by the third-floor windows to watch the thousands of little birds gallivanting about outside against a brilliant sunset over the Seatac Airport (I could see the airplanes from my room).

I was able to watch Monk, and I was very pleased with the episode... especially that they picked it up right where they left it off five years ago... very pleased. Thanks! Also, a female in the room next to me, that was joining the Marines, watched it with me. That was also nice, as I was feeling rather alone all of a sudden, and realized how I missed those who were familiar to me.

This morning I fell asleep after my alarm when off, and I never heard a snooze... I did hear a wake-up phone call at 4:45 though, and my heart went from 0 to 60, figuratively speaking, when I thought for a second that I was late (bus left at 5:30). I had a dash of eggs and water for breakfast, as I thought I was right on the weight limit. I needn't have worried! :)

At the processing station, we first had a long medical briefing, then a breath test (for drugs? - they were quite worried about drugs), then an interview with a doctor (going over all those things I already said "no" to on the forms), then a blood pressure, blood draw, vision test, hearing test, urinalysis test, then the dreaded height, weight & movement test. We arrived at 6am and we were done with this part by 11am. Lunch felt really good! I had a burger with Swiss cheese!

The rest of the day (my recruiter and I left at 2pm) was taken up with paperwork and electronic fingerprinting. The boss of the Navy office was a nice lady who knew my grad assistant conductor from the Husky Band from being stationed with her... in the Navy Band... small world! At this point, I can leave the program without a discharge... but I did raise my right hand. I am set to join as an Electronics Technician for 6 years as an E-4 if I graduate from my school after boot. I can still change my mind on the job up to about a month before I go in September of next year. Ooh-rah! :) Oh, dear.


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