Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Seventy Years Ago, Yesterday

To avoid losing my mind at work (since I had a pile of nearly a hundred documents to scan, rename, rotate and file), I listened to more than 3 hours of an entire day's broadcasting from September 21, 1939, from a radio station in Washington DC, that Mike sent me (in honor of the 70 yr. anniversary of Oz tomorrow). I learned lots of things: the song "Mama's Little Baby Loves Shortnin' Bread" is extremely racist; there was a boat race on the Potomac 70 years ago today and one of the contestant's names was 'Betty'; the French and Germans started mobilizing and skirmishing around this time that year; the movie "The Women" also was released today, 70 years ago, and there was a nightgown used in it that cost $250; I get tired of Soap Operas *really* quickly; radio stations used to say if their music was "recorded" or not. The newscasts also mentioned that the French Air Force was doing better than the Luftwaffe and that people in Checkoslovokia were revolting "so early in the war!"... These are just a few things that stuck out, and there are 15 hours to go still. I was so happy to hear "Over the Rainbow" as if it was on the radio... it was just so swell. Can't wait for Amos N' Andy and Roosevelt's speech... don't touch that dial!

Oh, yeah... and today is the first day of Fall! And it was 84 degrees! It was freezing cold (feeling) in the morning though... perfectly clear skies, gorgeous sunrise over the valley with the thick fog absolutely blazing gold... The cars crossing the valley looked like they were driving into paradise (but really it was only into Redmond), and I saw a flock of geese fly out of sight into the denseness of it. How I wished I was equipped with a camera and a whole morning off of work.

Tonight Mom prepared a really great recipe from a clipping of some kind... it was a hearty, beer flavored, pork and veggie stew... and it was incredible! After dinner Mom and I did some more reading and praying together. We're still in Romans... and Mom is just wonderful to read it with; she loves it so much. Even though she's been a faithful Christian since her college days, she said it was "good to be reminded" of the basic doctrines found there. After this we stuck in "I Love You Again" with Powell and Loy (1940), and I laughed quite hard (Mom really loved it too)! Oh, and then it was time for math with Dad, and even though he was very patient, I got really mad at myself for not understanding how to solve a couple of the problems. Stupid, stupid math! I always want to take shortcuts. And now it's late and time for bed!!!!! boo.


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