Sunday, March 8, 2009

So Excited!

I've just spent the entire afternoon working on my bird photos in Photoshop! Much improvement! And some decisions made! After this week (final week of the second quarter) I'll post them on Facebook.

Speaking of Facebook, I became a fan of Mr. Brandenburg there,
and found a link to the exhibit.

I started out today, again, rather late, as it's DST and all that... combined with a very fun (and late) chat. What can be more fun than talking about photography with very dear friends who also happen to adore your favorite TV show? (Jen thinks hard, but can't come up with much)

So, as it's... whoops! 8 pm already! I think I need to spend some time studying the Bible and thanking the Lord... and then cleaning up my room. It's becoming a natural disaster in there.

Blessings for this, another week,

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