Thursday, March 12, 2009

Ending Thoughts Again

My last class for Winter Quarter... and my thoughts turn back to the final critique from last quarter. I remember being extremely jealous of other people's work then... and being very nervous when talking in front of the group. All this has seriously changed! I've gotten to know most of them through working together, so nervous is out. I'm not totally out of the jealous feeling, but it's different this time. I'm more confident in myself, so I am able to enjoy others work more genuinely, without worrying about how I measure up. Some of the work presented tonight was just marvelous! Very enjoyable!

I'm trying to figure out what I want to do for next quarter... maybe wildlife... maybe military memorials... maybe abstract forest... we'll see!

I stayed up way late again last night/this morning. I'm very worn out and tired. I think I'll hit the hay pretty soon! Hey, why not?!


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