Sunday, February 22, 2009


Friday evening, I took the dog for a walk along the Sammamish to take more pictures... but taking care of a dingo can get in the way a little... "Spiffy stay! Spiffy staaaay!" as he tries to chase a bike. I got a couple, but there weren't many birds on the swift moving river anyways. Afterwords, I dropped by Half Price Books to pick up a present for a coworker.

Saturday I slept in!!! But I had a terrible dream... so I was feeling out of sorts all morning. Did a little cleaning up in the back room, and I had quite a headache and I felt as if I might be starting to get sick. So my sister and I went horseback riding in the afternoon, and boy! was that what I needed! Got away from the city, enjoyed the country and got back in the saddle! Even though Roo bucked a little, it was still a lovely ride. The weather was perfect, and we had a wonderful time. And then in the evening, chat was hysterical. Producing discussions out of us while we obtained to sing in the moon... All with pendants and pennants and Patty Puke. LOL

Today I managed to stay pretty relaxed. Had a great sleep and a long shower. Family and friends came over around noon or so for my nephew's third birthday party, so it was wild and crazy for a time, and then everyone left all at once, except for my brother (he's been delayed again and again and is still with us until the middle of March). Spent the evening washing my bed and converting my RAW images and talking on the phone with a dear friend. And then everyone came back again and we watched a little more Dick Van Dyke. I don't feel like I'm getting sick anymore (knock on wood) and I think I might be ready for another long shot... um, week.

I thank the Lord for watching over me!

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