Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Odds and Ends

I've been mondo tired all Monday and Tuesday...
everything is go, go, go!

Especially Tuesday. The data book process started for one of my programs, and so everything needs to get done *right now*. (the data books are all the information we analysts put together for our customers. they don't buy our hardware without them, and they must be *perfect*. understandably so...) Today should have more of a lull though, since some things need to happen before things get really wild.

Class last night was good. We took a step back from Lightroom, thank goodness (because it wasn't working last week), and we did more on Photoshop after a quick quiz to see how we're doing so far. I need to get more familiar with the tool bar... LOL! And Susan surprised me with a toy dinosaur skeleton! :) She had seen my picture last week of my Carnegie dino collection.

Here's a very random note: I forgot to mention that last Thursday on the way to class, I saw a Bald Eagle perched on a street light on the SR-520 bridge near the Arboretum. I wanted to stop and look, but it would have been inconvenient, as it is a freeway.

We got season four of the Dick Van Dyke Show from eBay yesterday... and so last night we watched the one where Laura gets her toe stuck in a pipe. LOL!


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