Thursday, December 18, 2008

Snow Day!

As there are two giant hills between my house and my work, I didn't go in today because of the three inches of snow, coupled with the bad drivers. My confidence was shaken as Dad and I tried to drive this morning in my Subaru, when Dad yelled at me for going too fast and this guy drove right through a red light into the intersection a few seconds later. Dad doesn't like it when he's not in control of the car. Everything was fine, but I turned around and went back home as I didn't want to risk not being able to stop at the bottom of the hill.

Got lots of stuff done though! I made those Christmas CD compilations I've been meaning to make all month... and I took the dog for a walk in the snow... and I frosted all the sugar cookies with my sister. I also took an hour nap on the comfy chair in the living room around 2pm... Gee! I wish I could do that every day!

My boss called around 8:30am to check in on me because nobody from my department, including herself, went to work today. My dad went in later when there was nobody else on the road and he said there were only a couple at the whole plant.

Hopefully the roads will be sort of safe tomorrow...


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