Saturday, December 20, 2008

Oh, The Weather Outside is Frightful...

A low of 15 degrees last night! Wow! Anyway, we still have our snow from last week! I don't ever remember snow that lasted that long... ever. The only other time I remember temperatures like this was our very irregular storm back in '03 where we lost our power for a week or so. That made it rather inconvenient for staying warm... :)

Oh, but even though there is still snow, it hasn't snowed since Thursday. They've done an excellent job taking care of the roads since then, so Mom and I were able to go to the symphony again last night like we had planned a few days ago. We saw Handel's Messiah, and it was my first time. It felt like heaven... the multitudes praising Jesus... it was incredible! We also ran into an old friend of ours from years ago! What a coincidence!

[I also realized how awesome it was that I heard the music and words exactly as they were heard 266 years ago, when it premiered in Dublin... I feel privileged to be able to hear it, and humbled.]

Right now it's bright sun outside shining on all the snow... but they've been forecasting a huge snow and wind storm coming our way today which... according to the last snow we had... means that it will get here tomorrow.

We'll see!

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