Monday, November 17, 2008

Hello Monday!

Well, I tried getting out of bed for a workout, but I laid back down instead. It was stretching it a little to expect myself to pop up ready for Jazzercise after such a weekend. Whew! In fact, I turned off my next alarm and rested for "just a minute more..." and woke up 30 minutes before I should have been to work. Good thing I'm only 15 minutes from work! But with all the running around I've been doing instead of resting, I ended up with the beginnings of a runny nose today. Silly, silly girl!

So, at noontime, with all the brilliant sunshine outside, I went and filled up my new roll of film with this week's first assignment, which is abstraction; taking close-ups of shadows and shapes. The frame for our dining tent on the deck made lots of nice shadows for shots. One down, one to go! The next assignment is take a picture that makes a statement about some issue that I care about. I have a couple of ideas, but I'm not too sure about them.

The 1995 adaptation of Pride and Prejudice is so carefully done to match the book! I don't think I've ever watched something so close to the author's intent! Anyway, hearing the language and customs of manners from Jane Austen novels always makes me wish society acted with a little more grace. Truly, it would be refreshing (one can only dream). And I also feel slightly humbled when I am shocked back into the way we speak today. I only wish my vocabulary would be stronger than it is.

What a pity! I suppose I should read more!
Does anyone have some extra time and patience that they could lend me? LOL


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