Thursday, October 30, 2008

Acting in a Nutshell

Last night my sister invited me to go with her to the acting workshop/mini class with the co-op I talked about a while ago. It was ever so engaging. They were talking about first read-throughs, and two of the more experienced actresses did a quick read through (with blocking that they came up with) of a scene from 'A Streetcar Named Desire', which they did quite well for a first read-through. After they were done, the teacher/director talked about how their characters related to each other and asked them each what they thought about how the other actresses performance compared to what they were expecting.

It was a real eye-opener for me to see so much fleshed out about a character from simple lines in a single scene combined with observations between the actresses about how their characters related to each other. It was a lot of fun, even though I had to stay up a little later afterwords in order to finish my reading for class tonight.

[In class we went into the dark room and developed prints of our negative sheets. I picked up my negatives from assignment 2 in downtown and barely made it to class on time because the traffic was so bad. The darkroom was a lot of fun. The teacher showed us everything we were not supposed to do and then let us at it. (Added 11/2/08)]


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