Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Some Things Don't Work Out... Oh, Well

So Monday I biked to base (10 min.), then left it there after school, and walked back to the house (1.5 mi. in a half-hour). Talk about a workout! I was thinking I'd like to see the symphony that night (only $20 a ticket), so I changed, and drove, parked downtown (only $5), walked the block to the hall, and found out they moved the concert 20 miles north to UCSD in La Jolla... which started in 20 min. It was starting by the time I was anywhere near the freeway. Dejected, I returned home. But then I watched the Bogart/Bacall film I picked up from the library this weekend... "Key Largo". Turned out to be very entertaining, and I had a great evening after all.

Yesterday, Tuesday, I was so utterly worn out from the day that I just wanted to sit, even though I possibly could have worked at the library (they're open late until 8 on Tue & Wed). Started watching another film from the library (Saint Ralph), but this one was a bust. Thought it was going to be inspirational, but it ended up worse than "Angels in the Outfield". So I visited Netflix... tried out the first episode of "Faulty Towers", enjoyed it and LOL'ed. Browsed some more, started "Arsenic and Old Lace", but that froze 11 minutes into it. Frustrated, I stuck in "Popping the Question" like I suggested to myself from my FB status the day before. And like a reliable friend, it delivered a smile when needed.

This morning I didn't need to get to class til noon, so I woke at 9, had scrambled eggs & toast, got some needed things at Target, returned the films and the lecture series on naval battles to the library since I was finished with them, then talked with Mom for a good half-hour before rushing off, parking in overflow and getting to class just on time.

Tonight I chatted with Andie for the first time in a long time! Just ran into each other on FB... and I finished the book for small group this Friday, "A Hole in Our Gospel" about helping the world's poor like we are the Lord's ambassadors (as we are). Hmm... how should I be giving?


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