Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Bad, The Good, and The Odd

I killed so many spiders yesterday, I had a nightmare this morning... spider as big as a crab, and so many eggs waiting to hatch... eeeu. That woke me up actually; and what did I see? At least four or five spiders in different places around the room. Thankfully, most of what I've run into are the small, pretty non-scary kind. I was wide awake, so I read a couple chapters of the Robin Hood book I found at the book store the other day (a new printing of Roger Lancelyn Green's version, 1956). And that banished my fears and let me go back to sleep.

Went to church this morning, and it was very good; topic, spiritual growth, from the first verses of Titus. Apparently we will be going through the book in the coming weeks, and that encourages me. It's been a while since I've listened to expository preaching.

Scratched the cat, Custer, when I got home. Had my new usual of scrambled eggs and oatmeal, except this time I included last night's Panera Bread apple in the oatmeal. Speaking of last night, I really loved the little time I had with Linda and James... lovely little chat. And Ms. Ann (my landlady) plays classic 104.9 in the background here... I love it! She said they've pitched it as "the hits of the last 400 years"... lol! They've just played Berleoz, "Hey Jude" (by the Royal Philharmonic), "Sabre Dance"... (which I recognized from it being played a thousand times in the movie "One, Two, Three" that I just watched the day before), a really pretty piece by John Williams for Harry Potter, and now the overture to Handle's Messiah. What a lineup!


PS... here's a couple random pics... I had to loop the chain for the ceiling fan so it wouldn't knock me on the forehead, and it reminded me of the film "Stalag 17" with the loop in hanging lightbulb.

And... this ad is self-explanatory:

And... it's all the years of pennies I've picked up here in SD (that's the carpet in my barracks room), missing 1993 and 1971, 61, 65-68:

PS... I worked at the library for 2+ hours, putting away all the movies and audio books. Then I gave in to the desire for a Chipotle burrito and then checked out the Goodwill store across the street and found a nice pair of khaki pants for 4$ before going to my new small group Bible study.

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