Saturday, January 16, 2010

WENN It's In Mind...

Goodness! There has been quite a discussion about Episode 1 going on on WENNlist on Yahoo! (we're doing a re-watch of the series). Folks were wondering about how Betty found out about the contest, and about broadcasting range... so I drew from my vast knowledge of season 1 (lol) to answer questions about which cities they could reach:

Those references from "Hilary Booth, RN" are for cities that they don't normally get to broadcast to... Wilmington (NC) on the East Coast and Biloxi (MS) on the Gulf Coast... "coast to coast" in "ten cities" lol! But Adrian Carr made that happen somehow.

In episode 4, Victor offhandedly mentions to Grace that they can be heard as far north as Hackensack (NJ), but I'm pretty sure that he meant as far north as Hackensack *is from NYC* (where they knew each other before)... which looks like about 10 miles. It was his usual, silly, quiet humor that made him so lovable.

WNYW carried their signal in the before mentioned episode 13... but they were out of range of New York usually... (thank goodness!) lol

And I know Scott mentions a Philadelphia station that could carry WEEP's signal after the fiasco in "Two for the Price of One" in season 3.

Either a station around Elkhart (maybe Chicago?) carried their signal, or the contest was advertised on the radio or in a newspaper or magazine. They were pretty conclusively out of range. I wonder if Elkhart had any kind of radio station?

and from before:

About the station's broadcasting range... according to episode 13, it's 70 miles... ...LOL

What good old fun!

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