Sunday, January 17, 2010

Relaxing Day

It was, as Sundays should be.

I hung out with my dear friend Becky all day... we went out to our favorite Thai restaurant, and near the Southcenter Mall we went to Barnes&Noble, then returned to her place, watched a movie, talked, and then decided we were hungry again. Upon inquiry, her roommate said the closest Panera Bread was just a couple miles away in downtown Bellevue (one I hadn't been to before) and we had a lovely time. I got an anthology of poetry at B&N... I want to be familiar with the great ones and decide if I like them or not. I didn't wake up this morning until 11:30 or so... and I'm off to bed right away, so I *might* make it to Jazzercise in the morning (for the first time in a few months). We'll see.


LOL! A spelling suggestion for "Panera" was Panzer... Heh!
"You vant flat bread? Do ya?"

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