Monday, January 4, 2010

In the Mean Time

Well, there just hasn't been a lot to say about life lately...

I spent a ton of time over the weekend straightening out my picture folders on my laptop. They were still piled up from my photography class, as well as regular life as well. I never had the gumption to fix it until now. I realized that none of them were backed up... and what it would be like if suddenly my laptop didn't work, or got stolen or broken. It would be all of my art out the window. So I'm backing everything up; I did everything but one giant folder yesterday... so I'm almost done.

In other computer news, I purchased a netbook on Saturday. It's an Acer Aspire One (2.5 lbs) with a 10 inch screen, 6 hours of battery life, 160 GB's of space and a 1 GB hard drive. It will be ideal for trips (which I tend to take every now and then :) and I have a hope that I *might* be allowed to take it along when deployed in a few years. We'll see about that... nonetheless, it was a good investment. I got it for the same price as the one in the store that has half the battery power (I love the Internet!).

And today was my first day back at work! I had been putting off a project last month, and I all but completed it today, spending 7 out of my 9 hours on it. :) It was really odd to be back, especially the part about getting up a quarter after 0600. I stayed up quite late with my pictures last night, so I might not last very long tonight. At least I hope so. But it will be just fine, as tomorrow and the next day I'm taking off of work to spend time with a very good friend who is on break from school in Florida. We're going for a car trip to the peninsula.

1 day on, 2 days off, diddle, diddle, dumpling, my son John.


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