Sunday, January 25, 2009

Saturday (that was yesterday).

So I actually slept in! That was fun! Biking was cancelled, but I wasn't going to go anyway, because of it being my Mom's birthday and a good day to go (horse) riding too.

I remember making myself breakfast, and wiping up the kitchen door from the condensation... I think I must have just messed around for a few hours before M and I left to go riding. We went to to post office and Fred Meyer's on the way and didn't get to Carnation until around 3 or so. My! It was biting cold outside! They were still eating their hay when we arrived, so we spent a little time scooping the poop from the field. (Hey! It's fun when there's two doing it! LOL) Besides a few fights with Roo, everything went swimmingly; and it was such lovely fun to get back in the saddle again. We deviated from our usual path a little, and that was the major cause of resistance from Mr. Stink-a-Roo. (Buck-a-Roo is his real name.)

When we got back to the house, we all went for a celebratory dinner to Fishbone, for our first time. Yummm! And they had beautiful paintings of freshwater fish too... my gosh! I love that place! I had a spicy shrimp fettuccine. During a chat that I was very late getting to, 9:15!, I watched Star Trek VI with my siblings, followed by a hysterical episode of "Scrubbs" and then two later episodes of "Fresh Prince" and two of "Home Improvement". I have to say, ST 6 is probably my favorite Star Trek movie... at least it makes the most sense. LOL! I do enjoy 4 and 2&3 as well. But I felt very distracted during chat... I only did it because my brother is leaving in... oh, would you look at the time... 3 hours... and I needed more time with him. :( Don't think I could ever have enough though... funny! I don't think I'd ever imagine myself saying that... especially if I was 14 and he was 10... :) lol :(


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