Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Day by Day

(one of my favorite hymns... sigh)

Yesterday, once done with work, I enjoyed another lovely dinner at home. But after that, I spent the evening - and late into the night - in the library, because 24 came on... uggg. My sister and I spent a bit of time watching some old Muppet Shows on YouTube, 3 and a half of them, I think. Very silly and random, just like us! I then spent some time on my website, and then got my pictures together for class. But then, as I was checking Yahoo, I came across pictures from the inauguration preparation and spent way too much time looking through them! Let's just say I was very tired this morning, and nearly fell asleep at the stoplight by the UW :)

I have become addicted to the internet lately... it's pretty, um, addictive. Tomorrow I'm going to try to back off a little bit... Lord, help me! I think it's all Facebook's fault.

Tonight in class we're working with "Adobe Bridge" and the teachers are viewing our photos.

I am rather proud to be an American today... regardless of politics (which I dislike). I'll have to see a re-run of the swearing in or read the speech online.


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