Saturday, August 11, 2012

Quiet Evenings

Thursday evening I got off really late (but that's normal for Food Service on board, I hear). Didn't get home until 6-something pm. I was so tired I didn't even feel like watching a movie. I put in the Third Day CD I got in the mail (Offerings, from 2000) and played it on my computer while I got some snacks together and read some passages in the later part of Isaiah. I had some cheese and crackers, along with some raisins, and later on a cup of coffee on the couch as I listened to live streaming of the 1920s Radio Network. So nice!

Friday, I was let go early, getting home around 2pm. I went right to bed and slept for 4 straight hours... and then I felt better. :) Watched the last movie from the library, Anchors Aweigh (1945, Kelly, Sinatra). Although I'm not a huge musical fan, and even though it was long, I really enjoyed it. The story kept moving along, and the inclusion of that pianist playing himself... that was neat to watch... along with the famous Tom & Jerry cartoon that's included when Gene is telling the kids a story about how he won his medal. And as a bonus, there were no dream sequences. Everything pretty much made sense. :) While watching, I took breaks to fix my little bits and pieces of dinner... a rice & chicken frozen dinner (steam-heated in the microwave), Pillsbury crescent rolls (using my oven and cookie sheet for the first time), and one packet of Lipton's chicken noodle soup. A couple cups of coffee were involved too. :)

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