Saturday, March 3, 2012

Finally Relaxing

Friday after class I was finally free. Whew! I joyfully took off my uniform and simply rested for a little while. And then I had a snack for lunch. I've been very good lately about not eating out as much, and eating lots of fruits and veggies at home. I watched the Fred Astaire/Ginger Rogers film Top Hat (from the library), then returned it when I picked up the book on hold for me: the first of a mystery series called "Maisie Dobbs"... a recommendation from Linda. I decided all I wanted was a quiet spot to read, so I drove around Pacific Beach and Mission Beach, finally deciding on a park overlooking a secluded swimming corner of Mission Bay. I read until the sun went down, then returned home.

Today I put my bow and arrows that Mom & Dad sent me to use by going to Balboa Park this afternoon. I first made myself a fabulous breakfast of eggs and hashbrowns with bits of spam and veggies mixed in. Then I cleaned my room and swept the house, and read in the Dobbs book, as well as the next Beatrix Potter: The Tale of Tom Kitten. I was at the archery range for over an hour, shooting at the first range, and using some of the ranges on the trails below! What fun! Pedestrians from the tall bridge above, watched me when I used the target just below it. And after wasting lots of time on minesweeper (the only computer game I like), I watched "An American in Paris" (1951, Kelly) for the first time. One of the better musicals of those that have stupid dream-like sequences. Brother! But I loved the songs! It's Gershwin! Gosh! And with all the driving I've been doing, I'm nearly through with the very interesting Julie Andrews book.


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