Saturday, May 28, 2011

So Relaxed!

Yes, my whole bed was a pillow. I dreamed last night, but I don't remember a bit of it. Woke up for breakfast early with Dad and Tom before they headed out on their week-long fishing trip. Oooh! was it good! And then we just sat around and talked for a long time... then Meg and I went to her apartment to take a look at their new pet fish. We played backgammon and drank some tea as well.

Part of what we talked about back home was the wedding dress for September. Mom had gone to the store a while ago and picked out patterns she thought I'd like. And she did very well... We decided on a pattern, and later picked out fabric at Hancock's in Kirkland. It will be very fine! She already took my measurements and will bring a first try when they come to visit me the first week of July. :)

Otherwise, we had soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch... and Mom and I went out for dinner to our favorite restaurant. When we got home from that, we rested and watched the Washington Huskies get trounced in the Softball Semi-finals against Missouri. The World Series tournament is starting in OKC next week.

I've been rather tired all day, but loving it.


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