Sunday, May 29, 2011

Can't Get Better Than This

Just loving the bright green everywhere! And the beautiful May flowers! They've had a bucketful of rain this spring, so everything is blooming... and it's been cold, so some things are a little behind. The lilacs in the backyard, for instance, are just in bloom now, at least a month late.

We went to church at Canyon Hills together after a brief breakfast of oatmeal and toast. Loved being there with everyone, even if we got there right as the sermon was starting... they switched the times last month... :) so we stayed through the worship of the next service.

Back at home we had stroganoff for lunch, and everyone came over. Loved seeing Beckie & Micah again! So much bigger! And wow, can they talk now! Penny & Don & Gramma came over after that, just to stop by and see me! How sweet and lovely that was!

Meg and I even got a couple games of PIG in at the park after everyone went home... and then we watched a few things on TV, switching between "Battleground" on TCM and "Bolt" on ABC. Never watched it with puppy lying at my feet before, the cutie. These got over at the same time, and we kept watching TCM because they had a 1920's silent movie called "Tell That To the Marines" with Lon Chaney. We had dinner during it... chili and corn bread, by request. :) I think we all fell asleep by the battle scene in the end... but it was fun.


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