Sunday, February 13, 2011

And the Next Neat Day...

This was another wonderful adventure to the Old Globe at Balboa Park. But first I checked out The Rock church in Liberty Station, even though it was another mega-church which I don't care for much. It's the only one within walking distance, and although some things rubbed me the wrong way, it was good to think on the Biblical truth they talked about.

After that I kept walking through the maze of shops and restaurants to find a wonderful little bakery called Con Pane. They had lots of nice things... I had half a veggie sandwich and an artisan flat bread with baked tomato and cream cheese on top. Yum!

I kept walking some more after my lunch, envisioning walking all the way to Balboa Park. This, of course, didn't work because I didn't know where I was going... and it's a really long way (over four miles... what was I thinking?!) I did end up at the Old Town transit center, luckily, and found a bus to take me north around the park. Arrived inside around Noon, checked out the San Diego History Museum's store, and then the entire Museum of Photography, which had many things I remembered from class... very neat!!! Went directly to the Globe for the play after that and enjoyed it very much. Very sad of course, but how could you not be with a title like "Death of a Salesman"? Of course, it was very interesting and very well done. But the guy next to me wasn't so impressed. He had seen the original Broadway production in 1949... when he was 17. :)

Afterwords I took myself out to the restaurant across the street and had a wonderful salmon with ground nuts over a dish with hot apple cider and brussel sprouts... wow! What a taste treat idea! I decided to stop by the Globe again after dinner to get a sweatshirt. I keep forgetting that evenings around here are very chilly!

And just like my first time here, I caught bus #7 to downtown to catch the trolley back to the Old Town station... and a good route back to base.

What a day!

1 comment:

Linda said...

That's the nice thing about California; even though it gets warm during the day, it usually is nice and cool at night.