Friday, December 10, 2010

Testing for Liberty

Goodness! I haven't been online much this week! I didn't have any watch at all on Wednesday night, so I got to bed early. School was pretty normal, but afterwords I tried passing the Phase II Oral Board with my friend. One of our SDC's (student division commander), FC1 Seebeck, administered. It was a watchstanding test to make sure we would do it right.

The perks of getting Phase 2 Liberty includes staying out as late as I want Friday and Saturday nights, needing only one liberty buddy instead of two, wearing civilian clothes, and drinking responsibly if I want to. But once getting Phase 2, I'm also responsible for standing the watches with more responsibility, like Petty Officer of the Watch, who allows people to come in and go out of the barracks. So because I had big plans for Saturday, I wanted this very much.

FC1 tested us on our General Orders of a Sentry, our Chain of Command, and what we would do, or are responsible for doing during certain scenarios... a fire in the building, a bomb threat, an injury accident, a lock down... or if the commanding officer decides she wants to visit. :) I only messed up slightly, forgetting what TSC stands for (Training Support Center). This has to be said if the Captain comes aboard. :) And my friend had problems with other things, so we did not pass. We had muster like usual at 2100, I talked on the phone afterwords and then went to bed.

After school Friday, I went to the bank (needed coin for the next day) and then worked out with my roommate for a half hour before coming back for another Oral Board with the same Petty Officer. Somehow I was more nervous... but he didn't ask me more than a couple questions in the couple hours it took. Two more people were trying out and they had to go over the stuff we passed yesterday. So this was a breeze, and I passed just fine.

No muster on Friday nights, so I decided to celebrate by having something nice to eat at the Sam Adams Brewery on base. By the time I put on my jeans and t-shirt from home after the test though, I found I was pretty darned tired. Went back to the barracks, talked a bit with Mike, decided to go to bed and then ended up watching the rest of the new Star Trek movie my roommates were playing on a laptop (it would have been hard to sleep with that going on anyway) and that was fun. :)


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