Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Back, Again

Last night I forgot to change my alarm back to Eastern time. At least I was more ready to go than on Monday... I think I was off by 6:30, after several goodbye hugs. I already miss you, Linda & James!

It was so easy to find the car return. Gosh, I love their system here! All the rental companies are in one big garage connected to the airport by a elevated train. Super easy! I printed my ticket out at a kiosk, and in seconds I was ready to go. The lines were already quite long for security, but they know how to cope with it here. I think it's one of the country's busiest airports.

Ate some snacks for breakfast as I was waiting... bought a club wrap for lunch on the plane... and a neck pillow from the Atlanta Zoo gift stand... it was a lion. I thought I'd take it on my way to Chicago as well and give it to the USO when I arrive so some kid can use it. Good sleep is worth money! :)

That pillow was so good, I nearly slept through take-off; and I did get a solid hour in after that. Ate my lunch when I woke up, then thought I'd trot online. Even though the cost for Internet on the flight coming (same airline) was only $5.00, the cost going back was inexplicably $13.00. I thought that a little too pricey for checking Facebook. :)

So instead I read the random assortment of chat logs I had saved on my little machine... that, and reading through my list of favorite verses took most of the rest of the 5 hour flight! Logs from January, March, April and June... and this weekend. :)

Mom was waiting for me when I landed. Walked outside and into the car. :) We were able to share a bit of a lunch before I zoomed off to Bellevue for my final Navy workout. It was a good 1.5 hour workout. But the traffic coming home at 5:30 was horrendous. 148th Street was a parking lot, both ways. I had first tried SR-520, but the ramp wasn't moving at all. Strangely enough, I didn't mind. It was gently raining outside, and I just drank in the coolness and listened to the pitter-patter on my car. I soaked it in, thought a bunch about all sorts of stuff and prayed. Back at home, I quickly changed out of my nasty, wet, grass-covered clothes and had a snack with Mom (dinner will be later with the FC). Wow, did that feel good!

Even though my time home is running out, I have peace about it. I'm excited and ready and simply glad that I can do what I'm doing.


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