Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Rest of June

Things have been wild this week. Yesterday marked the completion of my fourth year at Aerojet. I'm very glad of the experience and of the friends I gained, but I'm also glad to be moving on and challenging myself. With just a few days to go now, I've been counting them as they go by.

Monday evening, my parents and I took in "The Hurt Locker" (2009) which is about an EOD team in Iraq. It was very graphic, obviously, but also enlightening about what a day-to-day is like over there. It was a little distressing, because I know folks are going through that every day, even now; and of course, my brother will be heading for Afghanistan in a year or so. Afterwords I prepared a few presents for friends before retiring for the evening.

Yesterday morning I got a call from the airline, saying they had cancelled my return flight from Atlanta in September... and I worked out a better deal, leaving the morning after instead of the evening before. So I'll get enough time for everything I want! :) But then I also got a call from my insurance company, and it left me feeling a bit frazzled. Everything's fine, it's just I'll have a few dollars less than I thought I would. And then I had my dentist's appointment. Even though I only had a cleaning 3 months ago, with all the healthy food I've been eating (with hardly flossing at all), I really needed one. So I'm cleaned up and better informed... another blessing coming in at the perfect time. My insurance stops at the end of next week... and I made an appointment to get a leaking seal (from when I was a kid) replaced before then.

That night my parents and I had a little bit of Bible reading and prayer together, so that was nice. I also went through the top of my desk, cleaning things out and remembering my staggering Visa bill (most things from the Big Trip). And I misplaced some pocket sheets that I bought a while ago for my patches... so sometime I need to find that. At that point I was letting things worry me more than I needed to, so I took off for a run and it made me feel much better. 1.5 miles in 14 minutes... a little faster even. I relaxed very well after that, some push-ups, and a long shower.

Today was neat! We just had a department potluck with managers providing hamburgers. :) People bring all kinds of neat salads and sides; I found I really love sliced green pepper with humus.

Gosh, year's half over! And five working days to go... :)


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