Thursday, May 13, 2010

In the Good, Old Springtime

I love Spring. Especially in the cool of the evening when the sky is pure blue and the vivid green leaves of the hardwoods and evergreens are illuminated gold from the sun, low in the sky and poking out between the tall trees. As I walked with the dog this evening, we were serenaded by songs and calls and chirping from many, mostly hidden singers that ringed around us as we sauntered along. Strangely enough, for one moment I was reminded of sitting in the garden at Balboa Park last July. I so loved just drinking in everything around me: little animal noises everywhere and the sight of the trees and the sunlight. So relaxing.

After I had finished this excursion with the dog (calling it this can be a convenient substitute for the indicator word "WALK", especially when secrecy is needed) and finished the dinner dishes, I went biking on the Sammamish/Burke-Gilman Trail from 8-9PM for 11 miles round trip. That's another springtime blessing: late light! I've given up listening to music as I go lately since the birds are out in full force. It was a lovely trip. The Sammamish river was as still as glass and reflected the evening light perfectly and I saw a blue heron and some Mallards when I got to Log Boom Park on Lake Washington.

Gosh, Wednesday sure felt like a Monday, getting back to work and all that, but today was as nice a Thursday as you could ask for.


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