Monday, October 19, 2009

In the Good 'ol Fall

Well, 5 AM came and went. I woke up briefly to hear the end of my alarm going off... and then I returned to slumber. The point is to work out every day this week... so when I woke up at 5:56 again (this time really awake), I realized that I had missed my first shot at Jazzercise. Wasn't too surprised though, as I had a long, busy day yesterday. So to make up for it, I got up and out and ran twice around our block for another mile run. This time I wasn't wasted (out of breath) at the end and I did it in roughly nine minutes.

Today was the first day I went to work when it was still dark out. :( Soon the light will leave before I'm done. That's the one thing I don't especially look forward to this time of year... feeling like I'm some sort of strange creature that rises at sunset and sleeps at dawn. :) Work was work. Ho-Hum. At least I didn't have my normal post-Sunday-trip letdown. I suppose it did help that we went out to lunch at our favorite place... so between the boat-loads of work, I had a really lovely lunch: shrimp tacos and a simply heavenly seafood bisque. Yes, that helped the day a lot.

And just finished: a Facebook Album from Puget Sound and from 132nd Square Park, full of Fall.


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