Monday, October 5, 2009

I Shouldn't Be So Surprised

Geeze... it's been a whole year since I first saw San Diego? How time does fly. How things have changed! I was just looking back at old posts today. Photography class, sorry excuses for football games, lots of references to WENN... and it turns out right around now last year was when I got my new car (Oh, and Mike: also the first time I thought of this. Except maybe switch Jeff and Victor... LOL).

This year the Huskies are doing so much better. It's like night and day! After the game I went to, where we lost against LSU, we pounded on Idaho and gloriously upset dumb 'ol USC. We've since crashed and burned against Stanford and this weekend our win was stolen away by the stupid Refs instead of by Notre Dame. I'm planning on going to the game this Saturday against Arizona... it's been a while since the first one. I remember I got burned out quickly last year, because I went to the first three in a row. Unfortunately, it's another late 7PM kickoff in order to fulfill a dumb 'ol TV time-slot on FSN. Darn.


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