Saturday, September 19, 2009

Just Another Week

Going back to work on Monday was a real drag. It's not too surprising as the weather had changed to dull overcast and there I was having to get a ride to Building 93 for those ridiculous electronics samples that we had thought we'd never get into again. So they were stored in the dirtiest, darkest, dankest little corner of the warehouse that could have been found. Since this was the fourth time this year we had to do this, and the second in two weeks, I thought it profitable to bring them back to my building. Funny thing, on Tuesday, the next day, I needed to get into them again. I was impatient to put a photo album together from Sunday, so I stayed up into the wee hours of the morning finishing it, and that affected me adversely for the rest of the week.

Now this next bit may be a little shocking to some, so be warned (it's not my fault).

Although Meg and Jason have only been "a couple" or whatever they call themselves, for just over a month, they've already decided to get married next year. Just to set minds slightly at ease, they have known each other for over ten years. The odd part is that they are not "officially" engaged yet, because of getting a ring, but they have set a date... the first weekend of August, 2010... oh, dear, are they silly! So I have agreed to be the photographer for this event, and for my "pay" and as part of Christmas, Mom and Dad got me a DSLR camera for doing so. So the news for Tuesday this week, is that it came in the mail! :) That was a complicated way to talk about a package arriving!

Even for all this, I've been pretty un-motivated to do anything this week. All the days pretty much felt alike, except for Wednesday evening, when I read with Mom, took a nap and then talked with Mike. Thursday was dull, but I decided to start reading my Bluejacket's Manuel again, and I'm getting more motivated as I go.

Friday was better after work. I relaxed, talked with Mom and busied myself by taking pictures in my room, which I'm planning to put together in an album for you to see. I also planned dinner: marinated & grilled chicken tenderloins with grilled mushrooms, asparagus, broccoli & cheese and buttered bread. That was nice! And I also brought home some strawberry ice cream to enjoy during Monk.
My impression of Monk: Eh.

Last night I went to bed early because I was still quite tired. I dreamed all night about my girlfriends from Jr. High and Highschool up to my senior year in college (they suddenly stopped the friendship short that year). I dreamed of them becuase the younger one of the two is getting married today in southern California... and my dream was really lovely. Her older sister and I were having a grand time hanging out together, although we both remembered what had happened. If only this was real.

This morning it's rainy and cool out, although it's been sunny for most of the week. And our neighbor just painted their house yesterday...


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