Friday, August 21, 2009

Day After Day, After Day After Day

Every day at work this week has been much like the day before it... not a moment to spare, taking care of entering part numbers, releasing documents, putting data books together, all while trying to whittle down the huge pile of certs that came in while I was gone. And then I needed to help with an investigation that turned out to be a wild goose chase, and worry about those blasted UCR forms... that my boss was very unhappy about on my "mid-year" performance review on Tuesday. Gosh! Welcome home, but hurry!

And every evening had their similarities... my sister's boyfriend (gosh, that's weird to think of him that way) was over here every night. Mostly watching movies or whatnot, but we all had a nice little conversation last night. Oh! And I got to talk to my brother Wednesday afternoon! He called to talk to Mom, but I got the phone. And then of course, Wednesday's talk with Mike was wonderful! I've never listened to Holst's 'Jupiter' over the phone before now... and it was special, since I was outside, looking at Jupiter, itself, in the southern sky! It was absolutely clear out; I could see so many stars.

And that's another thing... I've had brilliant sunshine for weeks and weeks... (before, during and after the trip) and this morning it was finally cloudy gray. Ahh, I'm finally home again! And the temp has cooled off as well, so it really does feel more like the Pacific Northwest that I'm used to.

I did successfully drag myself out of bed this morning for my third Jazzercise class this week. I decided to get back in the routine. It's been hard, but good. Except today, the teacher was a substitute who played lots of interesting songs... and I felt like I was living in the 1970's... scary! And I barely broke a sweat... and the usual Friday teacher usually works us the hardest. Boo!

I'm almost done with work! Yay!

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