Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Nature of Things

I picked up my frames and mats yesterday evening in downtown Woodinville. As I was stopped at a stoplight (what else do you do in Woodinville?), I saw what looked like a crow nose-diving and circling something that was obviously a great bird perched on a telephone pole. I could only see it's outline because it was back lit with the setting sun. I didn't hope to guess what I knew it could be... and what it turned out to be... a majestic bald eagle, trying to ignore its constant pest of a companion. Unfortunately, I was on a road with other cars (darned shame) and I had to keep going once I drove beneath the pole.

Saw a squirrel in the backyard today at noon... live it up, fellas! Your nemesis isn't coming home for another five days.


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