Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Happy Tax Day I raise my tea in a toast to our great nation.

Those people who are protesting taxation... need to talk to their representatives before invoking the Revolution. Geesh.



Linda said...

That's the problem. They've contacted their representatives and things have not changed, or even started to change or show a semblance of change. In some eyes events have only grown worse. Hence the tea parties. If it is okay to assemble in favor of a political candidate, it is equally okay to assemble to make opinions known that appear to be ignored by the people who are representing us.

niferjen said...

Yes. I think it's fine that they are protesting. The government does need a lot of real change.

I just got rubbed the wrong way with people chanting about sessesion and the revolution with no obvious indicators that they were making meaningful petitions to the government, like the people of early America couldn't.

Just my feelin's. Thanks for commenting!