Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Another Day or Two

I don't know if these are at all entertaining to read, but I certainly enjoy logging the events of the day. It's great to go back and read...

So, I'm getting frustrated at work, because there's a big issue with how we need to keep careful track of how much time we spend on certain tasks. I understand why, but it's driving me up the wall. And I know I get too excited about things when I have to fix other people's errors or when I feel rushed... I think it's a patience issue. I'm awfully terrible with practicing patience.

2 Peter says that in being a Christian, I need to "add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; and to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness;" (and it goes on...) "And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity." My goodness! It's a good thing I don't have to rely on my own self to do all this! I'd be throwing in the towel... a long time ago. I need to take a deep breath and rely on God to help me be patient. Lord knows, I need it. Charity must be pretty darn cool if you have to go through all those things to finally add it... wow. Whenever I read this I keep on thinking the list will stop at godliness. Huh! Surprised again and again!

After class last night I went out to Ivar's in Bellevue before getting home. It was 10 minutes before it closed, but the guy was really nice and kept the place open for me. To unwind, once I got to the house, I stuck in "Road to Utopia" for a half-hour before hitting the sack at 11. LOL! I love Bing and Bob!

Tonight after dinner, we watched "I Deal In Danger", about an American double agent in Germany... what could be more intriguing? LOL! The music made it sound exactly like the old Mission:Impossible shows, since the same guy did it. It was fun to watch, and the good guy made it! Afterwords, we watched a couple of M.A.S.H. episodes. And then I took my own poor, neglected puppy on a walk in the cool brisk wind. Cloudy, but the moon poked through.

I am going to head over to Bellevue now, for this, the last night of house-sitting. It's been a little wild this week, but interesting at least.


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