Friday, January 2, 2009

More Days

New Year's Eve, I slept in and spent most of the day doing things around the house - feeling useful. I started the laundry, did the dishes, and the like. Now that it's Friday, I'm having trouble remembering... Oh, yeah... I read "Danny, Champion of the World", and a chapter of "Goodbye Darkness" and "This is London". Around 8:50 I got on chat for my first holiday chat... and my sister joined me. I had a great time, and watched the Space Needle light up, as is my unofficial tradition.

New Year's Day I slept in way late, but in the evening I went out with another friend that I have not seen in a really long time, and we talked for a long while and then saw "Bolt". Both of us had seen it once before, but we loved it so much, we had to see it again.

Today I slept in again. My goodness! I have to be back at work in TWO days! Getting up on Monday will be a real shock. Today I began the day by thinking about my history projects, which I have neglected because of my website - gee! just so much to keep me busy! - and then I went and got new tires for my car. That may sound random, but now my mind is at ease about it. The car now drives sturdier and straighter when I take my hands off the wheel. I then proceeded to clean my car up, because it was filthy from the sand they put on the roads around here. For dinner tonight Mom prepared some seafood that we got for Christmas - shrimp and baby lobster! I think I really like lobster! :) Meggan and I watched "The Hoax" on Netflix to see JBL - it was a strange movie! - when Dad and Mom went to visit my Grandma in Monroe for a little while. They've since returned and right now, we're watching "The Nativity". It's pretty good; they are doing a couple interesting and semi-believable things with the story. I'm surprised, because I generally dislike Bible movies. The book is just SO much better.


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