Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Class 'N Things

I was worried about the traffic when I left work, because the rain was coming down so hard and it was dark out, both factors that cause drivers in Seattle to go 25 miles under the speed limit. And when I got out on the road it started hailing. But when I went a couple miles down the freeway, all of a sudden everything stopped, and it was actually quite lovely out, with a light blue horizon under the billowing clouds above me. But by the time I got to the U, it was raining hard in Seattle, so I arrived to class absolutely drenched.

Well, about the test. It was not only the funniest one I've ever taken, but it was also probably one of the easiest. There were roughly 17 multiple choice questions and two short answer questions about our personal experience with the photographers we've covered and aspects of photography we've talked about. My favorite question that some people actually missed:

The "ghost" in this picture was caused by: (these are not exactly word for word)

A. Photography that could now capture spiritualism
B. The "ghost" coming into the frame for a second or two and leaving, or multiple negatives combined together
C. Carlaotypes and Fragerotypes

(The teacher's name is Carla Frager - and some people guessed that one! The lesson from the evening - know your teacher's name...[and remember that she's kinda silly...] LOL!)

It was great fun and class let out only after an hour. Many people were interested in watching the results of the election come creeping in. I think I'd settle for a nice dinner at home instead.


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